Accelerated Emotional Release Therapy

We used to think that it took a very long time to heal from such things as childhood trauma, low self-esteem and substance abuse. What we now know is that deep healing can take place in a relatively short period of time.

We have 40 years of experience using evidence based techniques that integrate ancient wisdom to treat present day problems

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John Tozeland . Tami Tozeland


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John and Tami Tozeland combine powerful mindfulness and cognitive therapy techniques with new accelerated change therapies. The ancient traditions teach us that everything is energy, your body is energy, and emotions are energy in motion. If we repress the emotional energy, it sets up blocks in our body, stops the natural flow of energy, and leads to some discomfort. There is an incredible amount of evidence that discusses the connection between stress and trauma, with physical health challenges. See “The Effects of Childhood Stress on Health Across The lifespan” by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers For Disease Control And Prevention 2008.

In order to assist most effectively with the release of emotions tied to past trauma and current stress, they use ancient Healing Traditions combined with modern Mindfulness and Cognitive Techniques to heal the Body, the Mind, and the Spirit. John also does Body Work to deepen the emotional release. Click here for a chart showing where the different emotions and beliefs are stuck in the body.

Accelerated Emotional Release Therapy creates deep long lasting change, rewiring the neurological system. These techniques are very effective with youth as well as adults.

For more information see the article The Miracle of Change and A Journey to Total Health.