What Is Mindfulness

Mindfulness Techniques: An ancient art of communicating with the Unconscious Mind. The Therapist assists the individual to enter into a dream-like state. For centuries, human kind has been using altered states of consciousness to assist in bringing healing and balance to the Body, Mind & Spirit. It is in this experience that the Unconscious Mind releases limiting beliefs, habits and emotions.

Mindfulness is a highly effective way to create deep long term change. This is a very empowering process, and since all learning, all behavior and all change is unconscious, and the mind & body affect each other, Mindfulness Techniques have been very successful with a wide variety of health and emotional issues.

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Some benefits of Mindfulness include:

  • increased motivation

  • a healthier flow of energy

  • greater confidence and self-esteem

  • the resolution of deep psychological issues

  • the release of limiting beliefs

  • habit control

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